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Call 911 or visit your nearest emergency room if you are currently experiencing a life-threatening situation or if your safety is at risk. Call 988 to reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Learn more about Emergency + After Hours Care.

Texas A&M University Health Services offers a variety of medical services appointments to support Aggies during their academic careers, laying the foundation for healthy lives well beyond time spent in Aggieland.

For in-depth information on the University Health Services approach to student health, please refer to University Health Services Statements and Policies and access University Health Services student medical records. To download forms related to University Health Services, visit Forms.


Access the Appointment Portal to schedule appointments, view test results, communicate with your provider and more.

Medical Clinic

The University Health Services Medical Clinic is staffed by board certified physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants who provide medical care for short term, acute illnesses and injuries, as well as ongoing health problems.

The Medical Clinic offers a wide range of services, such as diagnosis and treatment for allergies, cold, flu, and other respiratory infections; acne care services; strains and sprains; depression and anxiety; general and activity physicals; sexual health services and more.

University Health Services does not provide dental or optical services. If a student needs assistance regarding community healthcare resources, please call Patient Services at 979.458.8310.


Appointments are preferred and walk-ins are accepted only if time permits.

Students who wish to make an appointment with a physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant may do so by calling 979.458.8310 or visiting the appointment portal.


Telemedicine is available for students to utilize while they are physically located in the state of Texas. Telemedicine allows a student to consult a medical provider from the comfort of their own home. These appointments are held via video (Zoom) and can address a wide variety of medical conditions. Schedule a telemedicine appointment by visiting the appointment portal.

Telemedicine appointments are available Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Late/No-show Policy

Please note that there will be a $25 no show fee if a student does not show or if a student presents late for a scheduled appointment.

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can significantly impact academic, social, and occupational  success. Therapy, healthy lifestyle, behavioral long term strategies, and medications are among the many options that can help. Students interested in evaluation or treatment can send a secure message to the ADHD nurse through the appointment portal.

In addition to walk-in consultation options for students presenting with urgent medical needs, Nurse Clinic offers an alternative for enrolled students who are unable to promptly secure a scheduled medical or mental health appointment. Nurse telephone consults are available on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Students can call 979-458-8310 for advice on home care for illnesses or injuries and for guidance on the urgency of seeking medical attention. Requests will be addressed by a registered nurse in the sequence in which they are received. Outside clinic hours, assistance is available through Dial-a-Nurse at 979-458-8379.

In the event of a medical emergency, dial 911 or seek immediate assistance at the nearest emergency room.

Texas A&M University Health Services has a team of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners within the student health center who provide care under the supervision of board-certified psychiatrists. They specialize in complex mental health cases (such as treatment resistant depression, bipolar disorders, OCD, PTSD, treatment resistant anxiety, and others). They accept referrals from Texas A&M University Health Services primary care providers.

The Medical Clinic provides sexual assault resources, including medical exams, STI testing, prophylaxis and crisis counseling. Currently, University Health Services does not offer SANE (forensic) exams. Evidence collection must be done at an emergency room.

If you have been a victim of sexual assault and would like medical advice, contact Kristen Ely-Lavigne, RN, SANE-A at or call 979.458.8368.

Preventive sexual health services such as routine cervical cancer screening (Pap smear), sexually transmitted infection screening, HIV PrEP, HIV PEP, and counseling regarding healthy lifestyles are available to students. University Health Services has the capability of evaluating and managing many common health issues, which include: abnormal menstruation, abnormal Pap smears, pelvic pain, ovarian cysts, contraceptive issues, infections, infertility, breast problems, perimenopause and menopausal conditions.

University Health Services does not manage pregnancy, but can diagnose pregnancy and refer for prenatal care. Pregnant students can utilize University Health Services for non-pregnancy related concerns when appropriate and for postpartum care.

Non-prescription daily oral contraceptive (O-Pill) and emergency contraceptives (Plan B) are available at University Health Services without a prescription. If a student is in need of prescription emergency contraception (Ella) or has other questions regarding contraceptives, please schedule an appointment for a sexual health visit.


Dial-A-Nurse is a program staffed by registered nurses to advise currently enrolled Texas A&M University students regarding their non-emergent health concerns.

Weekdays: 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 a.m.
Weekends: 24 hours

Phone: 979.458.8379


Emergency Medical Services is a campus-based emergency medical provider that responds to emergencies on the Texas A&M campus. Texas A&M University EMS offers its services to all students, faculty, staff and visitors on the Texas A&M campus and community.

Non-Emergency Phone: 979.845.1525
General Inquiries:
Billing: 979.458.8265/

For more information, visit the EMS website.


The University Health Services Laboratory is a CAP accredited and CLIA certified laboratory. It is staffed by medical technologists and phlebotomists who provide minimum wait time for the patient.

Phone: 979.458.8333
Fax: 979.458.8334

The University Health Services Laboratory will collect and process tests ordered by health care providers outside of the student health center. The orders can be brought in or faxed.

The University Health Services Laboratory offers a limited number of self-referral tests. These tests can be done at the student’s request without a physician’s order. The student is responsible for all laboratory charges.

Notice: The below prices and test availability for students are subject to change without notice.

The following self-referral tests are available to students:

Available test types and student pricing information
Test Type Student Price
Blood Sugar (Glucose) $12
Blood Type $20
Chlamydia/Gonorrhea Genital (Vaginal) $25
Chlamydia and Gonorrhea (urine sample) $25
Chlamydia and Gonorrhea (rectal and/or oral swab) $25 ea. / $45 both sites
COVID Antibody $65
COVID Spike Antibody $65
COVID-PCR/Influenza A&B $80
Drug Screen - Urine $40
Hematocrit $10
Hemoglobin $10
Hepatitis B Surface Antibody $25
Hepatitis C Antibody $25
HIV – 1/2 Screen $10
Lipid Profile (Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL, LDL) $14
MMR and VZ panel $60
Mumps IGG (Quantitative) $24
Pregnancy - Urine $23
Rabies Titer $100
RPR (Syphilis) $16
Rubella IGG (Quantitative) $35
Rubeola IGG (Quantitative) $30
Sickle Cell Screen $17
Varicella IGG Quantitative $25
Vitamin D $35


Nutrition Services

The University Health Services Registered Dietitian (RD) provides one-on-one nutrition consultations with students and helps build a personalized approach to all their nutrition needs.

Phone: 979.458.8327
Fax: 979.458.8352 

For information on food allergies and meal plan accommodations, please visit the University Dining webpage regarding food allergies, found here:

Appointments are required for all visits. Services provided by the Registered Dietitian do not require a referral.

First-Time Appointments: Schedule online through the University Health Services appointment portal.

Follow-Up Appointments: Email or call 979.458.8327.

Depending on appointment needs, virtual appointments may be available for students who are physically located in the state of Texas. Virtual appointments can be held via video (Zoom) or phone, and can be scheduled by using the University Health Services appointment portal.

The RD services are provided at a discounted cost of $15-$30 per visit depending on the time spent with the student. Average cost of the initial visit is $30 and subsequent visits average $15-$30 per visit.

Please note that there will be a $25 no show fee if a student does not show for their scheduled appointment or if a student presents late.

There are many reasons individuals may choose to work with a Registered Dietitian. The most common reasons include:

  • Food and body image concerns
  • Weight management
  • Vitamin or mineral deficiency
  • Sports nutrition
  • Digestive problems like food allergies, lactose intolerance, celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome
  • Medical diagnosis with significant nutrition implications such as diabetes, elevated lipids, high blood pressure or heart disease
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  • General healthy eating habits

The Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) is a quick, pain-free scanner that measures your total body fat percentage, body fat distribution, muscle mass and bone mass. The DEXA scan is considered to be the gold standard for all body composition assessment tools.

The DEXA scan sends two low-dose X-rays which are absorbed differently by bones and soft tissues. The density profiles from these X-rays are used to calculate bone mineral density.

The DEXA scan is $50 for students.

For students who want a DEXA scan and would like an appointment with the registered dietitian to interpret their results afterward or who are already following with the dietitian: Call the dietitian at 979.458.8327 to make an appointment.  

For students who only want a DEXA scan and print out: Call Radiology at 979.458.8397 to make an appointment.

Once the scan is over, you will receive the results right away.

  • Avoid intense exercise for approximately two hours before the scan.

  • Wear loose/comfortable clothing such as shorts or sweats. Do not wear spandex, tight clothing, compression leggings, etc. 

  • There is no requirement to fast before the scan. Eat and drink as you would on an average day. Keep in mind that being over or underhydrated may affect your results.

The amount of radiation used is extremely small. If you have concerns, reach out to your physician. If you are or may be pregnant, consult with your physician prior to your appointment.

Texas A&M offers a multidisciplinary treatment team to serve students seeking treatment for eating disorders or concerns.

The team consists of professionals from University Health Services, including a mental health provider, physician, and registered dietitian.

Students who are interested in an assessment or treatment for an eating disorder can call University Health Services at 979.458.4584 for an initial intake appointment. Students seen initially through the University Health Services physician or registered dietitian will be referred to University Health Services counselors as appropriate.

In the event the student’s condition requires more intensive or long-term care, as determined by the EDIT team, the student will be provided with a referral for care outside the Texas A&M University setting.


The University Health Services Pharmacy provides comprehensive pharmacy services and is conveniently located on the first floor of the student health center. Current Texas A&M University students may fill prescriptions from on-site and local community physicians as well as a student’s physician outside of the Bryan/College Station area. When students receive their prescriptions, pharmacists provide informative and thorough medication counseling. Additionally, pharmacists are available during regular business hours to answer any questions or concerns students may have after starting their medications.

A variety of medication delivery options are available. Students can pick up their medications on site, choose curbside / parking lot pick-up, or have their prescriptions mailed. Prescription mailing is only available for orders totaling less that $100 and can only be mailed within the state of Texas. Contact the pharmacy to learn more.

Additional services including walk-in flu shots are available for current Texas A&M University students. The University Health Services Pharmacy also stocks a variety of over-the-counter medications and supplies that are available to students, faculty, staff and the general public.

Phone: 979.458.8292
Fax: 979.458.8294

The University Health Services Pharmacy offers online ordering for over-the-counter (OTC) medications. Medications can be shipped for a nominal fee.

Order OTC Medications

Request a refill of a prescription that was last filled by the A.P. Beutel Health Center Pharmacy.

Prescription refills can be requested using the University Health Services appointment portal. Once logged in, use the secure messaging feature and select the appropriate option to request a refill.

Your prescription number (Rx#) is required to make a request in this system.

Request a Refill

If a student wishes to transfer a prescription with refills remaining from another pharmacy to the University Health Services Pharmacy, the student must fill out the prescription transfer form, call us at 979.458.8292 or visit the pharmacy.

Download the Prescription Transfer-In Form.

Physical Therapy

Current University Health Services policy requires students to obtain a referral for physical therapy services.

Licensed physical therapists provide preventive and rehabilitative services for conditions that affect muscles, bones and joints to the students of Texas A&M University. Students desiring to receive physical therapy treatment must have a referral for these services from a qualified source. To schedule an appointment, please call Physical Therapy.

Phone: 979.458.8383
Fax: 979.458.8338

Physical therapy services are provided at an average cost of $50 per visit. The Texas A&M insurance plan typically covers services at 100%. For more information regarding insurance coverage, please visit the University Health Services insurance page.

Students interested in gaining valuable experience and knowledge in physical therapy may participate in the Physical Therapy volunteer/observation program. Please call Physical Therapy for more information.

Preventive Medicine

Phone: (979) 458-8345
Fax: (979) 458-8353

Preventive Medicine patients are seen by appointment only. These visits and services are offered for a nominal charge. Services include immunizations and tuberculosis screenings, Latent Tuberculosis Infection (LTBI) therapy, allergy injections, anti-malarials, travel consultations, and pre-exposure rabies vaccinations for veterinary students or students who will be traveling.

Students interested in making an appointment in the Preventive Medicine clinic may do so by visiting the appointment page or calling 979.458.8345.

Please note that there will be a $25 no show fee if a student does not show for his/her scheduled appointment or if a student presents late.

The following immunizations are available to students:

  • COVID-19
  • Chikungunya
  • Cholera
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Influenza (seasonal)
  • Japanese Encephalitis
  • MMR
  • Meningitis ACWY
  • Meningitis B
  • Mpox
  • Pneumococcal
  • Rabies
  • Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap)
  • Typhoid pills/Injectable
  • Yellow Fever
  • Varicella

University Health Services administers allergy injections Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:00pm. Students who have started an allergy desensitization program with an outside allergist may be eligible to receive their injections at University Health Services.

Students must receive the first dose of their allergy serum with an allergist and have a signed physician order with the antigen in order to receive additional injections at University Health Services. No injections at University Health Services will be given until the physician order is received and accepted. Physician orders and antigens can be brought in by the student or mailed in by their physician. Allergy testing is not performed at the health center.

Learn about required items, next steps and post-injection information.

Access the Allergy Clinic Consent & Agreement (listed under "Allergy Clinic Forms") to review the clinic's guidelines to operating. This document will be reviewed and signed by each student every school year that allergy injections are given.

Please contact Preventive Medicine at 979.458.8345 with any questions or concerns.


University Health Services Radiology provides ultrasounds and x-rays to Texas A&M University students, and is staffed by Registered Technologists. An order from a medical care provider is required for any service provided by Radiology. Contact Radiology for more information.

Phone: 979.458.8397
Fax: 979.458.8261

An appointment is required for ultrasounds. To schedule or cancel an ultrasound appointment, call 979.458.8397. Final reports of images are read remotely by a board certified Radiologist.

An appointment is not required for receiving x-rays. Copies of images can be purchased and burned to a CD. Final reports of images are read remotely by a board certified Radiologist.

University Health Services Patient Services can refer students to facilities in the immediate area that provide additional services such as CAT scan, MRI, Bone scan, Bone Density or Mammogram, if needed. For more information, contact Patient Services at 979.458.8310.

Travel Medicine

The University Health Services Travel Medicine Clinic helps students prepare for international travel by providing students with medical guidance and recommended immunizations before their scheduled departure. 

Travel Medicine offers a comprehensive travel consultation to students. Travel consultations can include immunizations, prescriptions, laboratory testing, pre-travel wellness exams, and age-appropriate screenings.

Phone: (979) 458-8345
Fax: (979) 458-8353

Travel consultations can be scheduled by accessing the appointment portal. The ideal time to schedule a travel consultation is at least 8 weeks prior to departure to ensure adequate time for completing any vaccination series as recommended by your travel medicine provider.

Travel medicine operates on a fee-for-service basis. There is a cost for the consult visit as well as the cost of any labs, vaccines and medications that might be needed. Students are encouraged to check insurance coverage prior to their visit.

A University Health Services nurse will reach out to you once you have scheduled an appointment to ensure that you have the needed information. You will be asked to upload your immunization record to the appointment portal and any other needed forms. It is very important to provide your dates of travel and ALL of the places you plan to visit during your trip. This information helps us provide the best recommendations for safe and healthy travel. To become more familiar with recommendations related to your travel plans, visit the TripPrep website.

Learn more about frequently encountered health concerns and prevention information for travelers.

Students can expect to receive a comprehensive travel consultation tailored to their travel destination and respective medical history.

During the visit, students may receive:

  • Destination specific vaccine recommendations
  • Recommended updates to any routine vaccinations that are recommended that are not travel specific (for example tetanus , flu, covid, hepatitis B)
  • Prescription of medication for malaria prevention if indicated
  • Other prescriptions as indicated for travelers diarrhea, motion sickness, altitude sickness, etc.
  • Travel health and safety counseling customized to the traveler’s itinerary and style of travel
  • Written customized information about potential health risks, U.S. State Department Advisories for area of travel, consulate information and general information for the countries of travel
  • Evidence based advice tailored to your travel plans

Students may return to the United States with symptoms of travel-related illness. Symptoms can also have a delayed onset and may present weeks or months later. Students with symptoms of illness including fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, cough or skin rash should return to University Health Services for a medical visit. Visit us online to schedule an appointment.

Access the below resources to help prepare you for travel.