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Allergy Clinic Information

Allergy Clinic Information

To assist with preparing you for a University Health Services allergy clinic appointment, find additional information below.

Prior to receiving allergy injections at University Health Services, the following items are required:

  1. The Allergy Prescription Form completed and signed by an allergist licensed to practice in Texas.
  2. A copy of your most recent allergist visit note.
  3. Record of last dose, including date, name of antigen, dosage, and any local reaction.
  4. Dosage schedule instructions – including the frequency of injections and a minimum time between injections.
  5. Dose adjustment instructions due to missed/late injections or local reactions.
  6. Dosage sheet including and matching patient’s name and date of birth on vial.
  7. Allergy extract vials must be clearly labeled with: Patient's name; vial name or contents (example "vial 1" or "TWG"); allergy extract concentration; expiration date

After the completed Allergy Prescription Form has been received, the student will be evaluated by our Preventive Medicine provider to determine if they are an eligible candidate to continue treatment at our facility.

Once a patient is cleared by a University Health Services provider, and all the above items have been received, the student may schedule their injection by calling 979.458.8345 or visiting our Preventive Medicine department on the second floor of the clinic. Paperwork can be faxed to our Preventive Medicine department at 979.458.8353.

Allergy extract may be mailed or delivered directly to:

Texas A&M University
A.P. Beutel Student Health Center
Preventive Medicine Department
1264 TAMU
College Station, Texas 77843

If you personally deliver your extract and allergist records:

  • Keep the extract refrigerated, do not place it in a freezer.
  • Deliveries are accepted from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. during normal business hours.

All patients must agree to wait 30 minutes after injection (s) as a precaution in case of adverse reaction. Patients who cannot wait the full 30 minutes may not receive allergy injections at University Health Services. After 30 minutes, nurses check the patient's arm(s).

Patients notify nurses immediately if they feel they are having a reaction. Any student that experiences a significant systemic reaction will not be able to receive subsequent injections at University Health Services until evaluated by the prescribing allergist and written recommendations are provided to University Health Services for subsequent dosing, which will be reviewed by a University Health Services provider.