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Doctoral Internship

Welcome to the Doctoral Internship in Health Service Psychology at Texas A&M University Health Services. We are in our 40th consecutive year of APA accreditation and remain passionately invested in the training process.  Training is a big deal around here and we are committed to self-examination, innovation, and ongoing enhancement. In keeping with our commitment to maintaining the highest level of training excellence, we strongly abide by the principles and ideals of our diversity statement, and value the diversity of each new intern class.

The process of intern selection can be a long and stressful journey and we wish you success in your search for the internship that best suits you and your values.  Remember that you bring your own personality, culture, and training/experience to the process, and that you have much to offer the site you choose. The internship which will be the best match will be one where your specific training needs are met. If after reading our materials, you believe our program is a good fit for you - we welcome your application. Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have questions.

Danielle Broxon, PhD
Interim Training Director

APA Accredited Doctoral Internship Program
in Health Service Psychology
for Training Year August 1, 2023 to July 31, 2024

We abide by the APA Accreditation Operating Procedures; if you need to contact the Commission on Accreditation, please call (202)336-5979 or write:

APA Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation
750 First Street NE
Washington, DC 20002-4242
Phone: (202) 336-5979