Conferences are an important part of professional development of interns at University Health Services. Attendance at these conferences is required unless previously discussed with the Training Director.
Texas Interns Conference: 2-day event in April
Each year, university counseling center internship programs in Texas gather for a time of networking and professional development. Interns are given the opportunity to cultivate relationships with interns and training directors from other institutions. They also receive training on EPPP prep, the licensure process, and career development. Interns at University Health Services are provided with the time and financial resources to attend this training.
University Health Services at Texas A&M University has hosted an annual "Social Justice in College Counseling" Conference since 2004 at which nationally recognized speakers have been invited to address social justice concerns faced by today's college students. University Health Services interns and clinical staff attend the conference, which is also attended by counseling center staff from other universities. Interns are provided with the time and financial resources to attend this training.
The training program at University Health Services has partnered with the training program at the Baylor University Counseling Center to launch this annual event. This one day symposium is a space for continuing education, networking, and support related to the supervision of trainees within a university counseling center context.