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Training Options

Training options are developed in order to provide interns greater flexibility in tailoring their internship experience to meet their unique interests and needs. Interns speak with University Health Services clinical staff members about specialized training opportunities in an area of mutual interest. Content and focus of the training option can be adapted to meet the needs and expectations of the intern, and may include supervision for specialized cases, didactic instruction, readings and research review, and opportunities to develop and/or participate in workshops, groups, and outreach programming. Half of this two-hour weekly time commitment is devoted to supervision, while the other half is reserved for learning oriented experiential activities.

The following list is provided as a sample of possible training options, and these may or may not be available every semester. This list is not exhaustive, and an intern can create their own training option by negotiating with a staff member who has interest in that topic.

Examples of possible areas of interest:

Alcohol & Drug Abuse Interpersonal Process
Brief Therapy Psychiatric Consultation
Crisis Intervention Psychological Assessment
Integrated Healthcare  

Specialized Areas:

Anger Issues Eating Disorders
Anxiety Disorders First Generation College Students