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Cohort Supervision Sequence

Cohort Supervision Sequence: The following group supervision activities rotate on a bi-monthly loop throughout the interns’ training year.

Dimensions of Identity Development Supervision Sequence

Facilitator: Dr. Danielle Broxon

Dimensions of Identity Development is a bi-monthly, 2-hour meeting dedicated to exploring the intricacies of identity development. This supervision sequence is designed to equip emerging psychologists with the essential knowledge, skills, and awareness required to navigate the complexities of professional practice effectively.

At the heart of this supervision sequence is a focused examination of how psychologists can demonstrate acceptable levels of competence when working with all students with a wide range of presenting concerns, identities, and values. Interns will delve into practical strategies and case studies that illustrate the ethical considerations encountered in client interactions. Through interactive discussions, readings, and activities, interns engage in intentional reflection on how their own world views, beliefs, and values may influence their professional practice.

Our goal is to foster a supportive learning environment where interns can critically examine and refine their approaches to ensure they provide competent and ethical services to all students. This sequence offers opportunities to increase insights and learn tools to ensure the provision of quality care and reduce risk of potential harm to clients.


Conceptualization and Treatment Planning Supervision Sequence

Facilitator: Dr. Michelle Bettin

Case Conceptualization and Treatment Planning is a bi-monthly, 2-hour meeting designed to foster the development of interns' conceptualization and treatment planning skills. Supervision sequence aims to provide interns with a robust foundation in integrating theoretical perspectives and evidence-based practices into their clinical work.

Each meeting, interns will discuss current clients on their caseloads to serve as practical examples to help interns effectively conceptualize cases and formulate comprehensive treatment plans within a brief therapy format. Emphasizing a transtheoretical approach, interns will explore how different theoretical frameworks can inform their understanding of client presentations and guide their interventions.

A key focus of this sequence is integrating important domains of human development into case conceptualization and treatment planning. Interns will learn to apply a reflective, culturally informed approach, ensuring their interventions are sensitive and responsive to the unique needs and contexts of each client.

Furthermore, the sequence emphasizes the integration of research and assessment into clinical practice. Interns will critically evaluate relevant research findings and learn to incorporate evidence-based interventions into their treatment plans. Interns will also develop their skills in selecting, evaluating, and integrating assessment measures into their clinical work. Focus will be placed on the use of therapeutic assessment and ways that assessment can be used to augment client care.

Through case discussion and literature review, interns will gain practical skills and confidence in communicating and implementing case conceptualizations and treatment plans. This series aims to empower interns to become competent, compassionate, and ethical psychologists, equipped to provide quality care to all clients.